
Land of the free or a huge company? Companies are bailed out when in trouble. What about us?

Thursday, September 29, 2011


       People have absolutely no idea what is happening in NYC, Chicago, Denver, and Los Angeles right now as you read this article. Thousands are protesting the big banks in the U.S. for their unfair control over everything and everyone. While millions of people are struggling and trying to make ends meet, CEO's of these banks are getting the biggest bonuses seen to exist in human history. Fair? In the stock market Gold and Silver are at an all time high. Why? The economy is currently in a recession, slowly headed into what we will see is the worst depression in history. The effect of businesses closing, millions losing jobs and the fact that America is bankrupt, the value of the dollar is going down. Once the dollar crashes (which it will) the depression will start.
       Everyone wants the American Dream but sadly we have just entered a damned American Nightmare. People don't really know because the mainstream media such as FOX, MSNBC, CNN, BBC and many others are controlled by some of the most elite people in the world, the banksters. They are told what they can and can not cover. Occupy Wall Street protests are no where to be seen on the mainstream side but the brutality of the police in NYC is making some noise. Please take a slight break from reading and watch this news clip. Just letting you know, this video gave me the goosebumps and made me a bit angry. Pathetic..

       Alright, now since you have seen what really is going on we can continue. Did you notice how the cops just don't care? Non-violent protesters that are citizens and have a bill of rights to follow are being treated like garbage or you can even say terrorists. Here is another short video. I want you to see that the guy is being peaceful and not doing anything at all to be treated like this. Take a look.

       Land of the free or land of the slaves? America is no longer what is used to be and ever since the banks started to have a say in every little damn thing we the people are now the victims and should be very aware of what is yet to come. The Federal Reserve says that America will be okay because we can just, "print more money." So when the government is broke they get a helping hand but when we are broke they take our homes and leave you on the street with nothing. They simply don't give a f***. Excuse my language. This just really angers me.

      Another very shocking video was recorded this week. BBC was interviewing Alessio Rastani, an independent trader in the stock market. People have been talking about how truthful he was during his interview with BBC. He simply said that, "governments don't rule the world, Goldman Sachs rules the world." I don't think BBC thought that he was going to be this truthful about it as he was and jaws dropped after that comment. He also went on to say of how traders are waiting for another depression because of the huge amounts of money involved. Check this video out. The last minute of this is very freaky. Beware.

       What I am trying to tell you is we the people are headed into a very dark place in life the next few years and maybe more. I am not trying to scare anyone. I am simply opening you up to the truth. People are too focused on what is on MTV tonight and this is why everything is being sneaked in on us behind the scenes. In future articles I will show you proof of the FEMA concentration camps that have been built in the past 10 years. I will talk about the real reason cannabis has been made illegal and alcohol has been made legal. I will tell you why The Patriot Act that was made possible by The Bush Administration is our worst enemy. I will tell you the true statistics of our financials and why our social security is controlled by Queen Elizabeth of England. So many things are yet to be talked about.

       Proof is seen just about everyday in many different parts of the world that things are everywhere slowly crumbling. European countries are slowly one by one going bankrupt with Greece already there and Spain being next in line. The constant war-mongering overseas. We are fighting wars in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Libya, and soon to be Syria, Iran, and Palestine. The United States has just given Israel 50 bunker buster bombs which is rumored that those bombs will be used to start a war with Iran because of ridiculous speculations that Iran might have a nuclear bomb. What says it's okay for the United States to have 5,113 nuclear bombs? What is the point of having so many, and we are worried about a country that can barely maintain it's tiny army? We have over 130 bases around the world for what reason?

      Sadly, we are headed towards the collapse of the dollar. The collapse of civil liberties. Maybe 2012 has a different meaning? Maybe it's just the end of the old world and in with the new world. A new world that includes fascism and martial law. Attached to the end of this article are going to be some videos with a lot of meaning. If you have some time I encourage you to watch them. Remember, knowledge is power. Many people say to me, Dave, I don't want to know about this stuff but if you were sick with a horrible disease and you went to the doctor and they didn't tell you, would you allow that? NO. You have to know. As of right now our economy is just barely hanging in there. Kind of like the game "Jenga". Eventually one of the crucial pieces that holds everything together will be removed and everything will fall to the ground. May God Bless the USA.

                                THE AMERICAN DREAM : THE SAD TRUTH

                        BANNED MUSIC VIDEO : LOWKEY - OBAMA NATION
                                              Listen to the words closely.

                      ANOTHER BANNED MUSIC VIDEO : OBAMA NATION Part 2
                                              Music starts at about 45 seconds

*******NOTICE how eerily serious he is at the end of this music video talking about the military drones being sent out after certain people. WHAT kind of message is he trying to deliver?********


  1. Ehhhh I wouldn't go as far as saying we are about to hit a huge depression. People are still spending money on product. America goes thru 20 year cycles of economic flourishing and hardships. Before clinton was elected our economy was In a similar state as it is today. I think we will be fine. Love how you included the wall street protests I feel Noones knows about it due to media control.

  2. You are correct but it never included this substantial amount of U.S. debt with European nations going into defaults. So it just kinda worries me this time. Yeah, the Wall Street protests, it is a shame it is being blocked out. Seriously.
