
Land of the free or a huge company? Companies are bailed out when in trouble. What about us?

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

2011 in Review


   HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all. I am here to talk about the past year and what's coming. No, not about how it's the end of the world on December 21st, 2012 but how it is the year of life changing experiences. To the average American, everything seems pretty alright but that is because of the cover ups in 2011. The media does a great job of making bad things look like good things. Anyways...

   2011 in review starts right about now.......

  • With many people waking up on January 1st hung over, it also brought a year to never, ever forget. 
  • January : Estonia adopted the Euro as its currency, being the 17th country to join the EU. It's not exactly the importance of Estonia adopting the Euro currency but the currency itself. Which I will get into later. We came across a devastating act of violence in Tuscon, Arizona where a crazed man shot 19 people and killed 6 of them. In Brazil a storm where flooding killed 903 people. 37 people are killed and more than 180 others wounded in a bombing at Domodedovo International Airport in Moscow, Russia.
  • All of February was hectic overseas resulting in the Arab Spring protests, especially in Egypt. 
  • March : a 9.1 magnitude earthquake struck in east Japan resulting in a tsunami which killed around 16,000 and a little over 3,000 missing. This also destroyed 4 nuclear power plants which went into meltdown mode. The nuclear waste is still burning down through the earth. Radioactivity remains high in Japan. The jet stream winds have picked up this radioactivity and spread it over the USA and into Europe. Unrest in Libya where US and NATO forces started bombing Libya to bring Muammar Gaddafi to justice for personal US and NATO reasons. 
  • April 29th : Prince William and Kate Middleton wed in a ceremony witnessed by about 2 billion people around the world. 
  • April was also a month of unrest in much of the Middle East due to the Arab Spring protests getting larger, more violent and the constant bombing of Libya. 
  • May 1st : President Barack Hussein Obama delivers a message to the US and the entire world that the US forces have captured and killed Osama bin Laden during a military operation in Pakistan. 
  • May was also a month of widespread protests. Bombings continue. The European Union starts to talk about the Euro crisis and the imploding economies of certain countries. Starting with Portugal which was granted about €78 billion ( euros ) to try an help save the bankrupt economy. 
Devastation in Japan after the earthquake and tsunami

Arab Spring protests in Syria

    Let's take a break right about here and discuss a few things. Violence was plentiful. Whether it be caused by humans or mother nature. The US still at war with Iraq and Afghanistan for unknown reasons. Remember years ago? Those countries 100% had WMD's (weapons of mass destruction). After years, we didn't find any but the war resumed. Not only were we losing the wars in the Middle East, we were losing the drug wars as well. It has been about over 40 years now that we have been fighting the war on drugs. 

   The drug war annually costs about anywhere from 15-50 billion dollars a year. Laughable right? If you go to this neat little website.... 

It will show you in real time how much money is being spent on the drug war. Today is January 4th, 2012 and it shows that the amount of money spent so far is about a quarter of a billion dollars. Four days into the new year and already about 22,000 arrests have been made due to drugs. Over 50% of those being non-violent marijuana smokers. Talk about ridiculous. 

  Another war we are losing is the economy. The 1% of the richest people in the world hoard the money for themselves whether or not they collected that money legally. We have been witnessing huge companies like Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae illegally collecting money. In the end they needed financial assistance from the government to bail them out while their CEO's got a $2.3 million dollar bonus. This fraudulent activity went purposely unnoticed. Tisk, tisk. 

  The Euro had a bad ending during 2011. 2012 it is expected that the Euro will collapse and cause havoc that will be felt all across Europe, the United States and the rest of the world. The US will also encounter big problems in 2012 due to its "kicking the can down the road". We expect the road to come to a halt to where you can't kick the can down anymore. Many economists such as Gerald Celente of Trends Research have predicted some sort of economic martial law this new year. If there is a bank holiday, don't be surprised he also stated. 

President Obama announces Osama bin Laden death on May 1st, 2011

  May was a pretty important month. It started with the killing of Osama bin Laden. Many conspiracy theorists have been saying that this was a ritualistic tradition. If you look up May 1st, it indeed shows many significant events taking place on this date in the past 300 years. Also, Ron Paul announced his running for the presidency of 2012. Ron Paul ran in 2008 but had somewhat of a hard time grasping peoples attentions. Now that the economy has a whole package of bandages on it, Ron Pauls message has been very attractive in 2011 than it ever has before. He just came in third place at the Iowa Caucuses trailing very closely behind Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney. Many people have been saying that the counting of the votes was suddenly moved to a "secret location" because of the agenda of the establishment and mainstream media. Herman Cain also joined the road to the White House but his campaign lasted a few months due to having too many mistresses come up and accuse Herman Cain of sexual harassment. Finally, Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the House, also decided to run for president. Now let's get back into what rolled out in the second half of the year....

2012 presidential candidates 

Illustration of the collapse of EU member countries

  • June : tensions grow in the Middle East. Bombing continues. The EU confirms Italy, Greece, Ireland, Spain, and Belgium are at risk of collapse. The media identifies Rick Perry, Mitt Romney, and Michelle Bachmann as front runners, leaving Ron Paul nowhere to be heard. 

  • July : NASA concludes its space program. Tensions double in the Middle East. On July 22nd, Norway experiences the worst "terrorist attacks" in its quiet history. 76 people were killed when a bomb blew up in Oslo, and a madman went on a shooting spree. July 31st brought more horrible acts. 121 people were killed by the Syrian army in a tank raid. An estimated 3,000 people through out Syria died due to the Arab Spring getting extremely violent. Also, in Thailand, $45 billion dollars was estimated in damages due to flooding from storms. About 800 people have died. 
Mass flooding in Thailand

Oslo, Norway terrorist attack aftermath

A couple sitting on what was left of their home after Hurricane Irene

  • August : Hurricane Irene batters the entire East coast in one of the worst hurricanes in decades. $10 billion dollars in damages and 47 deaths. Millions of people were without power for quite some time. Al Qaeda backed Libyan rebels overthrow Muamar Gaddafis government in Tripoli. Tensions across the Middle East continue on a steady hike. Comet Elenin takes a seat in the spot light as a comet that might impact Earth. Then asteroid 2005YU55  also enters the spot light but has  more reason to considering it was the largest and closest asteroid to Earth in a very long time. 

Hurricane Irene from Outer Space

  • September : Huge wildfires in Texas destroy about 2,900 houses and burned up almost 3,900,00 acres of Texas. Smoke from wildfires can be seen from space. September 11 memorial services held across the country. The beginning of the revolutions and protests starting in America and then further spreading to 100's of countries. Republican debates cause a frenzy in the media with blacking out Ron Paul from the mainstream news. Mitt Romney and Rick Perry again the mainstreams picks. Herman Cain making headlines as well. 

Smoke seen as a result of the Texas wildfires from Outer Space

  • October : Tensions in the Middle East are flaring. Muammar Gaddafi murdered. The US and NATO give Al Qaeda control of new Libya. 7.2 magnitude earthquake in Turkey kills 604 people. A car bombing in Somalia kills 100 people. Cambodia's Mekong River overflows and kills 207. The EU admits Euro is on verge of collapse. Riots break out in Greece due to collapse of economy. Occupy Wall Street makes headlines and spreads even more. Ron Paul's money bomb raises $3 million dollars in 3 days. The sun starts to really act up with huge magnetic fields harboring C-Class flares. Sun spots getting bigger and of more consistency. Steve Jobs dead at 56 due to cancer. 

Occupy Wall Street protest in NYC

Steve Jobs : Inventor of Apple 

Asteroid 2005 YU-55 passes by Earth 11/9/11
  • November : Asteroid 2005YU55 zips by in between the Moon and Earth on 11/9/11. NASA captures pictures of the asteroid. NDAA bill finally emerging into the media. Congress reaches its all time lowest approval rating in history. Hermain Cain gets battered with a sexual harassment allegations, lowers in polls. Ron Paul and Newt Gingrich raise in polls. Rick Perry and Michelle Bachmann lower in polls slightly. Media keeps trying to black out Ron Paul. Joblessness stays the same. No increase in growth of US economy. EU making more headlines that Euro is unstable and more countries result in danger level, economy wise. Occupy Wall Street protests make headlines spread to about a total of 1,500 cities. 
Ron Paul although in the top tier, gets least amount of coverage

  • December : Herman Cain announces end of campaign. Newt Gingrich rises to the top of polls. Ron Paul is still blacked out from the media. President Barack Obama announces end to the war in Iraq and that the troops will be all brought home before the new year. Tropical Storm Washi in the Philippines kills around 1,300 people. Huge retail stores prepare for busy Christmas season. Even though the economy is garbage, people still spent record numbers. Shopping madness results in pepper spraying people for waffle makers and plenty of shootings. Online spending up 15% from last year for new record. Gold and Silver pricing reach new record highs. Gun sales resulted in record highs with the amount of background checks to be about 16,000,000. President Obama on December 31st, signed into law the NDAA, which puts anyone at risk of being detained without warrant, proof of guilt, and labels anyone a threat even by going on a frowned upon website (even if it's on accident). 

Black Friday shoppers waiting in line during early morning hours

NDAA was signed by President Obama on December 31st, 2011 : Happy New Year!

   Now, to be honest, this year I have gotten into some pretty deep studying about pretty much everything. Let me tell you right now that 2011 was bad but 2012 will in fact be a lot worse. Not to scare anyone reading but the life that we all once had and loved will no longer be the same in 2012. As you have read above, tensions keep rising in the Middle East. Economists are saying that by the 2nd half of 2012, we will be in another war. This time with Iran. Why is this significant? Iran is the 3rd largest exporter of oil in the entire world. Once they cut that from the world you can bet on gas prices being up. Possibly doubling. Another and more serious worry about a war with Iran is that Iran has allies. Who are their allies? Russia, China, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iraq. Some of the biggest super powers in the world will side with Iran. Russia has already positioned some of its Naval ships around the entire areas in the Middle East. 

With all the movies and video games they are putting out today
are they trying to get us ready for something?

  The first world war was pretty simple. The second world war they had airplanes and big bombs, which made it a lot more deadly. A third world war, including many super power countries, can almost guarantee a ton of faster planes with bigger, more effective missiles, thermo-nuclear bombs, and more deadly than most people think. Some people may think that I am biased when it comes to politics but to be completely honest, Ron Paul is the only sane candidate running for the presidency. All of the other candidates are FOR this war with Iran. Ron Paul is the only one against the war. On top of all that, Ron Paul receives more donations from the US Army than all other candidates combined, including Obama.

  I always get into blabbing away about things but that is just how I am. I consider myself passionate about this country. I feel as if America was once a beautiful and amazing place. Now, because of huge corporate companies having control over our government has introduced us to fascism. When corporate entities intermingle with politics. When politicians can be paid off to pass a certain bill in favor of that certain company/business. 

  The time has come ladies and gentlemen. We can no longer kick the can down the road. This global economy is like a cancer. The longer we take to actually fix it, the worse it is going to become. It is time to put down your drinks and pay attention to what is really going on. How many of you hate liars? I am pretty sure all of you do. Every candidate running for the presidency is a liar, except Ron Paul. This is a legit statement. I have tried finding dirt on all candidates and I did, except for Ron Paul. He is the only one that can make 2013, a recovery year for all of us. Not only here in America but around the world. I will be writing an article about Ron Paul in the next few days to show everyone that he really is a very good and caring man that just wants to obey the Constitution of the United States of America, that was written by our founding fathers. 

  It is time to make America good again. It is time to bring back the American Dream. No longer will we have to be asleep to have a taste of the American Dream. Some of us have been blessed to be alive and well but many of us are losing this. With record amounts of people on prescription pills, record amounts of cancers, record amounts of corruption in government, record amounts of lost wars, record amounts of people imprisoned for petty crimes, record amounts of people not knowing anything about our elected officials, record amounts of un-informed people, record amounts of debt whether it be for college loans, credit cards, or the entire countries debt, and record amounts of lost faith in what life really is about. It is time to think outside of the box. Help people who are stuck inside the box. Spread the word about Ron Paul. Spread the word about this blog. Many people ask me, why I am so obsessed over this kind of stuff. The answer is, because I care about my life, your life, your family's life, my kids' lives, your kids' lives, the future of The United States and the rest of the world. 

  In the meantime, spend time with your family. Make some good, real friends. It's okay to enjoy yourself as long as you aren't selfish. Life gives to you, what you give to life. Pay attention. Know what's going on. Peace and love are the only winners at the end of the day.