
Land of the free or a huge company? Companies are bailed out when in trouble. What about us?

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

We The People.........or not.

           Ever since September 11, 2001 we all experienced not only one of the worst things to have ever happened on American soil but it also accompanied a huge amount of modification to our life styles. Most of us may not even know or notice these changes but they have been implemented. One way most people can look at how our lives have changed is the recession of 2008. Real estate has basically collapsed, taxes are only going up, college tuition is increasing every year at about 5%, medicare is super expensive and non efficient, and the winner : JOBS. 

         The reason for our job problems is because our government loves to tax small companies up the wazoo and because everything is so damn expensive now small businesses have smaller overhead to pay out to their employees. Last year, Obama asked Congress to pass a bill that would allow the use of 1,000,000,000,000 dollars. Not million, not billion, but TRILLION. It was said that this money would help create jobs. One year later and not only is their a decrease in jobs, America's credit rating goes from AAA to AA+. On top of this the U.S. has achieved almost 48 million people to represent poverty in our country. So if you think the government is doing a great job than you must be lost or completely oblivious to, well, just about everything that has been going on for years now. Years and years of un-controlled spending resulting in almost 15 trillion dollars. Yeah, that's the figure the government made up. The real number is somewhere in the 60 trillions. All because of the broken promises of the one and only. 

        Obama has an approval rating that is the lowest rating ever recorded for a president. Even better is the democratic Congress that has an even lower rating than Obama. The fact that our tax money is being used to wipe their asses is beyond spitting on the American flag. What our government is doing is fascist. People either don't know, don't care, or don't care to know. And this is the sad thing. People are too focused on what's on MTV tonight, what they spent $250 dollars on today, or what concert they are going to tomorrow. The media has us hypnotized. Brainwashed. Blocked out from the truth and what is going on behind the scenes. These days people don't even know the first three words in our Constitution. No wonder the U.S. is currently taking the 33rd spot in iQ levels, 25th country in the world for smarts, and 1st in debt owed. Let's face it, the government did a great job, huh?

        I personally can't stand people that have no idea of what is going on today. You can ask 10 people what happened in Japan this year and no one will know. You can ask 10 people who our vice president is and no one would know. You can ask 10 people who Snooki is and unfortunately EVERYONE would know. Most people laugh about it but do you know what this is doing to your own life? People don't seem to understand that if you don't know history you are bound to repeat it. 

      The reason for this post is that I hope to open up ALL people to the reality of our lives. We are fighting so many wars, going through a recession that will soon be a depression, paying on average $23,000 for tuition every year, witnessing the vanishing middle class in front of our eyes and then I ask you, what is next? Is our beautiful America gone for good or is it gone forever. Will we survive this? Will our children survive this? Are you proud to be an American? Good question. I was proud. Very proud. Now I can't even say something with out being scared that the government will send armed forces to my home and arrest me. Please, open up your eyes, minds, and hearts. We are at the brink of a collapse. A very new, odd, and horrible future awaits us ONLY if we don't act. 

        If you are a real American you will rise up. You will show not only yourself that you have the love and power to do something but that you can spread that love and power to everyone. What's a guitar with one string? What is a car with 1 wheel? What is a cup of water for 100 thirsty men? Who am I to tell you what to do though right? You have a point. I am nothing but together we can be something. 

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