
Land of the free or a huge company? Companies are bailed out when in trouble. What about us?

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Legal and Illegal Drugs...What's happening?

        We all tend to wonder about the wars on drugs. Most people know it fails every year but do people know how much it costs? This year alone the U.S. has spent almost 41 billion dollars and the year isn't even over. California, one of the first states to make it medically legal, has made about 3 billion dollars from the taxes on medical marijuana. If you can multiply that figure times 50 states, that is a lot of profit for the states to use to help out the economy. Instead we spend anywhere between 25-40 billion a year fighting a war on drugs that has failed every year since the year 1971, under the Nixon presidency.

Millions of people love Cannabis, but why? Many reasons.

         One of the most dominant reasons for pot being illegal is the big pharmaceutical companies that are hungrier than a pack of wolves in an Alaskan forest. Unfortunately, healthy people don't make money and sick people do. Who takes advantage of this? Companies you probably have never even heard of before. These giants can make anywhere from 10 to 80 billion dollars in profit every YEAR. Let's take for example Johnson & Johnson. Last year they made 61.9 billion in profit. In 2008 they made only 37 billion. In only two years they saw an almost 25 billion dollar jump. That's how many pills they are selling. More and more and more and more. Why? To feed us poison.

         The only reason marijuana is still illegal is because these big companies have a huge say in our government. They lobby our state legislatures or bribe them with campaign money like Merck just did for Rick Perry, a presidential candidate that wants to make it a LAW to give all females the HPV vaccine. This same vaccine has been linked to many deaths and many more severe complications in innocent females lives. The CDC is actually going door to door with nurses and telling people it is the law (when that is actually a lie). They are now trying to FORCE us to take vaccinations, but why? Hmmmm

        When you compare legal drugs the government tends to feed us and the illegal drugs we are fighting now that many people oppose, the results are quite intense. Here I have a little chart showing you the deaths and severe complications from the FDA.

         You can see that deaths and severe complications have been going up. From all the pills we take. All the vaccinations we are made to take. It seems as if they were for nothing. Cancer has tripled since the 50's. Mental issues in children is rising like never before. While sicknesses and deaths are going up, so are their profits. Here is another chart showing some interesting facts.

        This chart shows that just about every death from suicide, to drug induced (prescription drug), are astonishingly more than that of let's just say MARIJUANA. Even alcohol has caused over 23,000 deaths, whether it be liver cancer or just simply having too much alcohol in the body and overdosing. This chart was made possibly with information from 2008. You can only imagine what it might be at today.

        All I am trying to say here is that the pharmaceutical companies and the FDA have no intention to stop this. They will keep doing as long as people keep buying it. You have to realize that these big companies have a lot of money and power. They can do whatever they want and if they will make money on pills, even thought they kill people, they will continue. I personally refuse to take pills. I think that they do in fact inspire effects that I don't want or like.

       Along with the garbage commercials you see of people climbing mountains and riding bikes with their families, stating how happy they are because they started taking ZOLOFT or PAXIL when at the same time that drug realistically kills many people. Taking Viagra for example, this sexual stimulant has killed about 2,300 men last year. Compare it to the schedule 1 drug marijuana with 0 deaths ever since it's first use thousands of years ago in ancient China. It is disgusting. All of it is. Including drug testing. Drug testing is a violation of the Constitution. Bodily fluids, any bodily fluids, is personal and private. It is an invasion of privacy. Invasion of personal privacy is against what the Constitution says.

       If someone has a drug problem, we shouldn't be punishing them and putting them into jail. We should be treating them as patients. Treat them with a doctor. Putting a drug addict in jail will only turn that person into something worse. I think it makes more sense. In conclusion to this article, I state that our government is way into our own business now. The war on drugs is more of a failure than Obama yet they keep poisoning us with legal drugs. Half of the pills given to people today is legal cocaine. The U.S. government is taking care of POPPY FIELDS in AFGHANISTAN for crying out loud. Don't believe me? Watch this.

       What makes me laugh is when the soldier says, " we can deal with the trafficking afterwards ". HAHA! Wow. You all need to wake up to what is really going on in today's world. The U.S. helps grow the plants used to make heroin, morphine, and codeine. Then the U.S. government spends our tax money on "dealing with the trafficking later". Ridiculous. 
       You have learned here that the U.S. works with Al-QaedaJohsnon, MERCK, Bayer, and Pfizer. This is a problem along with many other problems. If you would like to sign a petition to make marijuana legal and taxable just like alcohol click on the link and sign the petition. In the mean time, people should start paying more attention to what's going on behind all the MTV and Hollywood. That is another article I will discuss in the future. Be strong, open your mind. History is the future. 


IF Cannabis was made legal it would help make the following....


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