OCCUPY WALLSTREET has now been in operation for about 2 weeks now. The protest is EXTREMELY quickly gaining momentum all over the U. S. In the upcoming weeks it is said that up to 50 cities are going to be involved with this protest. So far New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, Denver, San Francisco, Minneapolis, Dallas, Boston, Seattle and Tampa were some of the select few that have gotten bigger over the week. In Boston, 20 people were arrested after walking into a CHASE bank and sitting down inside the bank to protest! If you would like to read more of what happened in New York City on the Brooklyn Bridge with peaceful protesters and police click here NYC 700 Arrested Associated Press. Everyday the groups seem to get bigger and bigger. This might be the start of a very important revolution. Most people have no idea but we need to wake people up to this! Some pictures and videos are posted at the end of this brief message.
We Are Change. Remember, one person can't do much but together we can change the world. Join me and many other Chicagoans that are not just saying they care but SHOWING they care. Let's get to it. This is the most important time in our lives and a great moment to meet so many different people and make friends. This is the only time we can do something. PLEASE, take some time and think about it. The opportunity to take part of something so meaningful shows the true characteristics of humanity. I want a beautiful future for my children hence why I am partaking in this. TURN OFF THE TV AND COME OUT AND JOIN US! Check out some of these pictures and the video at the bottom is a must see! Shout out to Luke Rudkowski @ We Are Change New York City. Keep doing your thing!
UPDATE**** - As of 2:20am EST a little over 700 New Yorkers were arrested including children. The police no longer are here to protect us. They are paid of by the banks and now have no say. Viva la revolution!
UPDATE**** - JP MORGAN CHASE donated 4.6 million dollars to the NYPD! Their is huge amounts of corruption talk against the NYPD. NEW video posted of what happened on the Brooklyn Bridge!
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