
Land of the free or a huge company? Companies are bailed out when in trouble. What about us?

Friday, November 11, 2011

Say Goodbye to Organic Food....FOREVER

     Hello my fellow blogthusiasts. I am back. This time writing about the way our government handles our food. Let's start off with this video. What the guy in charge says is simply ridiculous. I actually laughed at how dumb the words were when they came out of this individuals mouth.

    Now, after watching that how do you feel? Welcome to the introduction of the rising of the commi-Nazi food state. Where the government has the authority to step in and destroy all of your fresh produce, which the mentally challenged gentleman described as "bio-hazards". The fact is that the government doesn't care what you eat as long it is un-healthy. Every farmer growing for the government gets there seeds from huge companies like Monsanto or  Dupont. Genetically modified everything. Let's face it, the government loves sick people, because sick people make money. Just like the couple towards the end of the video said, you just feel better after eating organic, real food. Not the stuff the government wants you to eat. The poorly raised animals being fed genetically modified corn mixed with garbage and feces. Then get handled extremely grossly by government butchers, which then gets hauled off to your local monopoly supermarket, better known as Wal-Mart. The female in the middle of the video also states this, " It's alright for the USDA to let us kill ourselves eating McDonalds but this good, wholesome stuff isn't alright ". Makes sense right?

        Here is a picture of what McDonalds and many other places use to make their chicken nuggets.

    Let me explain to you what that pile of meat contains. All the scraps from chickens including tendons, muscle tissue, eyeballs, blood, hearts, liver and many other organs. All of that is put into a gigantic blender which mashes it into a nice paste like texture. Because of the fact that this stuff is CRAWLING with bacteria, they later wash the paste with AMMONIA. Ammonia is used as the main ingredient in fertilizers, refrigerants, fuel, various gases, and most known to be in cleaners such as Windex. After it is washed with Ammonia the meat smells and tastes horrible so they need to put in many artificially modified coloring, scent, and flavor. Remember that next time you order nuggets somewhere.

   Mechanically separated meats are found in many places all over the United States now. Europe does not allow genetically modified food, however this process for profit is certainly not limited to the Americas. In the mean time, try to eliminate all fast foods. Stop supporting huge stores like Wal-Mart, Target, or Jewel Oscos. The food might look really nice and good but at the same time a girl that gets plastic surgery, is known as having fake parts for that same effect. The government does NOT care about you. I repeat, the GOVERNMENT DOESN'T GIVE TWO SHITS ABOUT YOU. They want to poison us. They want us to die slow. Just look around you and you will see that the world is become fat and sick. Like I said earlier in the article, the government loves sick people because a sick person is money, health = NO PROFIT. Have a great day. I am going to make myself some home made local farm raised mashed potatoes with local farm raised chicken breast accompanied by a fresh salad, also from a local grocer! Good eats!

Farm Fresh


Saturday, October 15, 2011

Occupy The World

        Protesters gathered in Tokyo

       Today what has been started may be the biggest organized protest that the world has yet seen. From Tokyo to London, Seattle to New York, South Africa to Australia, protests are being carried out in just about every major city across the globe. In Italy the protests have gotten violent. Downtown Rome resembles London a few months ago with cars in the streets torched and windows of building smashed in. Italian protesters have also entered the Goldman Sachs office in Rome and vandalized as much as they possibly can. Whether it be throwing eggs or spray painting the walls. This is because the Italian people are angered towards Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi. People in Europe are also sick and tired of the big banks doing whatever they please with Greece most likely collapsing in the next month or two. Italy, Portugal, Ireland, Spain, Belgium, and many other countries overseas are experiencing a financial crisis. London is also participating in a peaceful protest of about 4,000 people.

       Yesterday, New York City was chaos when the protesters were marching down a street which was blocked off by police at the other end. When protesters saw what was happening they tried going passed the fences the NYPD put up. Many people were run over by cops on scooters and motorcycles, plenty were tackled to the ground and arrested. All of this happening after J.P. Morgan donated $4.6 million dollars to the NYPD, the biggest donation ever by J.P. Morgan. Lech Walesa, former president of Poland and Nobel Peace Prize winner that got rid of communism in Poland and made possible a free market economy in Poland is expected to show in the next few days. Well known people like Kanye West, Russel Simmons, Tom Morello, Dylan Ratigan, Lupe Fiasco and many other have shown up for support. The movement is getting bigger and bigger everyday and spreading like a wild fire. There are about 951 cities, in 82 counties now participating.  Below are pictures and a videos from what is happening around the world.

 Protesters beat cops!

Protester cheers as police vehicle burns
Thousands in background protesting

Angered protesters smashing windows and torching cars

Tom Morello from Rage Against the Machine at Occupy L.A.

Occupy Seattle marches on

 Occupy Chicago 

Occupy Chicago: Thousands protest

Occupy New York City : 20,000 show up

Protests being organized for Oct. 15 all over Europe

Map of protests taking place in the U.S.

Luke Rudkowski in NYC reporting Oct. 14

Tim Schwartz in NYC captures a motorcycle cop running 
over a mans foot. No one does anything. As soon as the
man kicks the bike off cops attack him and then arrest him

Thursday, October 13, 2011


       Poison. Let me explain. There is a huge company called Monsanto. They genetically engineer seeds. Seeds for corn, soybean, wheat, and pretty much any grain. These seeds are then given to farmers. The farmers then grow the seeds into their final product. A genetically modified organism that we later consume. Did you know that food companies don't even have to label if the food is all natural or genetically modified? Yup, that's right. Your favorite cereals all the way to fruits can be modified. For what purpose would they do such a thing? Let's go on even further.

       Money. It is so beneficial for these mega companies to make there own seeds. These seeds contain DNA of which is not normal when compared to another seed of the same but natural item. Ever heard of "Roundup"? Monsanto also makes pesticides! What a great combination. Food and pesticides in one place, literally. They take the DNA from powerful and poisonous pesticides and insert it into the seeds from which then are grown. Let me ask you a question. Would you eat genetically modified foods? Do you think it's okay that companies do not label the foods that are made from these seeds?

      Even the "healthy", "All Natural", cereals on our store shelves are now being made with the corn and grains that have been modified. Let's take a shot of Roundup to celebrate! Scientists from all over the world have been investigating these seeds and experimenting with mice to see what effect they have on them. Shockingly, the mice that ate the foods derived from the modified seeds had a 70% higher chance of getting cancer than that of a mouse that has been eating the non modified foods. The reason for this is because of the chemical reactions in our bodies to the altered DNA in the foods.

      If you are a fan of milk, here is another thing to watch out for. Milk comes from cows. Cows are fed corn. That corn was grown from a GMO (genetically modified organism) which means the milk that the cow produces if full of this stuff. Sadly, their isn't much we can do. The real all natural food items are super expensive and with the next world war coming it will get even more expensive. The fact that the FDA does not require the labeling of these products is a turn off. But if these government backed mega corporations keep doing this we will see a huge die off of humans in the decades to come due to cancer. Cancer in fact has tripled in the passed 40-50 years.

      It is time to be careful what you eat. Cornucopia is a research firm based in Wisconsin that has on their website, a list of healthy and organic cereals here www. People who know me know that I am very against pretty much everything that our government is doing. I am trying to take the right precautions. You should too. Watch what you eat or it'll kill ya, literally......

To be taken seriously


       I have just gotten word that the bombs that the U.S. has given to Israel two weeks ago will be used to bomb the nuclear facilities in Iran. Russia and China are both against the plan and due to recent meetings between the Russian and Chinese governments shows that their relationships are getting stronger. Last week at a NATO meeting in NYC, Russia and China both agreed to VETO the war bill the U.S. wanted to pass for a green light to bomb Syria. As soon as this happened the American representative at the meeting stormed out of the meeting. This shows how anxious the U.S. is to go to war.

      Sadly, this is all true. This is no longer a game. People need to wake up because our lives are capable of being threatened. Along with this, the U.S. tried plotting a fake terror plot this passed week. Officials have told many news agencies that an Iranian terrorist was planning on bombing the Saudi embassy in Washington D.C. and planning to kill Saudi Arabia's ambassador to Washington. This was false. This was made up to cover up Operation Fast & Furious between the Feds and the Mexican drug cartels and with what is going on with the banks in the U.S. and the E.U. The U.S. has been giving the cartels the weapons to go about with there duties of drug smuggling. The Feds have been helping smuggle tons of cocaine into the U.S. through the borders. The banks in Europe continue to crumble. Greece is expected to collapse next month. This will start a domino effect on other nations in the European Union to collapse as well.

       I will have more info later. As of right now, the next two to three weeks be on the look out for the bombings overseas. Like I said before Russia and China have been very friendly with each other this past year and especially in recent months. Russia has almost as many nuclear bombs as the U.S. does and with the financial backing of China this war can be devastating. Martial law might also be declared when Iran is bombed by Israeli and U.S. forces. Check back for more info.

Chinese President Hu Jintao, right, greets Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin prior to talks at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Oct. 12, 2011.

Obama this morning at a press conference talking about how the U.S. will take action against them if they decide to go forward with their mission to kill Saudi ambassador to Washington. 


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Legal and Illegal Drugs...What's happening?

        We all tend to wonder about the wars on drugs. Most people know it fails every year but do people know how much it costs? This year alone the U.S. has spent almost 41 billion dollars and the year isn't even over. California, one of the first states to make it medically legal, has made about 3 billion dollars from the taxes on medical marijuana. If you can multiply that figure times 50 states, that is a lot of profit for the states to use to help out the economy. Instead we spend anywhere between 25-40 billion a year fighting a war on drugs that has failed every year since the year 1971, under the Nixon presidency.

Millions of people love Cannabis, but why? Many reasons.

         One of the most dominant reasons for pot being illegal is the big pharmaceutical companies that are hungrier than a pack of wolves in an Alaskan forest. Unfortunately, healthy people don't make money and sick people do. Who takes advantage of this? Companies you probably have never even heard of before. These giants can make anywhere from 10 to 80 billion dollars in profit every YEAR. Let's take for example Johnson & Johnson. Last year they made 61.9 billion in profit. In 2008 they made only 37 billion. In only two years they saw an almost 25 billion dollar jump. That's how many pills they are selling. More and more and more and more. Why? To feed us poison.

         The only reason marijuana is still illegal is because these big companies have a huge say in our government. They lobby our state legislatures or bribe them with campaign money like Merck just did for Rick Perry, a presidential candidate that wants to make it a LAW to give all females the HPV vaccine. This same vaccine has been linked to many deaths and many more severe complications in innocent females lives. The CDC is actually going door to door with nurses and telling people it is the law (when that is actually a lie). They are now trying to FORCE us to take vaccinations, but why? Hmmmm

        When you compare legal drugs the government tends to feed us and the illegal drugs we are fighting now that many people oppose, the results are quite intense. Here I have a little chart showing you the deaths and severe complications from the FDA.

         You can see that deaths and severe complications have been going up. From all the pills we take. All the vaccinations we are made to take. It seems as if they were for nothing. Cancer has tripled since the 50's. Mental issues in children is rising like never before. While sicknesses and deaths are going up, so are their profits. Here is another chart showing some interesting facts.

        This chart shows that just about every death from suicide, to drug induced (prescription drug), are astonishingly more than that of let's just say MARIJUANA. Even alcohol has caused over 23,000 deaths, whether it be liver cancer or just simply having too much alcohol in the body and overdosing. This chart was made possibly with information from 2008. You can only imagine what it might be at today.

        All I am trying to say here is that the pharmaceutical companies and the FDA have no intention to stop this. They will keep doing as long as people keep buying it. You have to realize that these big companies have a lot of money and power. They can do whatever they want and if they will make money on pills, even thought they kill people, they will continue. I personally refuse to take pills. I think that they do in fact inspire effects that I don't want or like.

       Along with the garbage commercials you see of people climbing mountains and riding bikes with their families, stating how happy they are because they started taking ZOLOFT or PAXIL when at the same time that drug realistically kills many people. Taking Viagra for example, this sexual stimulant has killed about 2,300 men last year. Compare it to the schedule 1 drug marijuana with 0 deaths ever since it's first use thousands of years ago in ancient China. It is disgusting. All of it is. Including drug testing. Drug testing is a violation of the Constitution. Bodily fluids, any bodily fluids, is personal and private. It is an invasion of privacy. Invasion of personal privacy is against what the Constitution says.

       If someone has a drug problem, we shouldn't be punishing them and putting them into jail. We should be treating them as patients. Treat them with a doctor. Putting a drug addict in jail will only turn that person into something worse. I think it makes more sense. In conclusion to this article, I state that our government is way into our own business now. The war on drugs is more of a failure than Obama yet they keep poisoning us with legal drugs. Half of the pills given to people today is legal cocaine. The U.S. government is taking care of POPPY FIELDS in AFGHANISTAN for crying out loud. Don't believe me? Watch this.

       What makes me laugh is when the soldier says, " we can deal with the trafficking afterwards ". HAHA! Wow. You all need to wake up to what is really going on in today's world. The U.S. helps grow the plants used to make heroin, morphine, and codeine. Then the U.S. government spends our tax money on "dealing with the trafficking later". Ridiculous. 
       You have learned here that the U.S. works with Al-QaedaJohsnon, MERCK, Bayer, and Pfizer. This is a problem along with many other problems. If you would like to sign a petition to make marijuana legal and taxable just like alcohol click on the link and sign the petition. In the mean time, people should start paying more attention to what's going on behind all the MTV and Hollywood. That is another article I will discuss in the future. Be strong, open your mind. History is the future. 


IF Cannabis was made legal it would help make the following....


Sunday, October 2, 2011

Occupy Wallstreet! Over 700 arrested!


       OCCUPY WALLSTREET has now been in operation for about 2 weeks now. The protest is EXTREMELY quickly gaining momentum all over the U. S. In the upcoming weeks it is said that up to 50 cities are going to be involved with this protest. So far New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, Denver, San Francisco, Minneapolis, Dallas, Boston, Seattle and Tampa were some of the select few that have gotten bigger over the week. In Boston, 20 people were arrested after walking into a CHASE bank and sitting down inside the bank to protest! If you would like to read more of what happened in New York City on the Brooklyn Bridge with peaceful protesters and police click here NYC 700 Arrested Associated Press. Everyday the groups seem to get bigger and bigger. This might be the start of a very important revolution. Most people have no idea but we need to wake people up to this! Some pictures and videos are posted at the end of this brief message.

        We Are Change. Remember, one person can't do much but together we can change the world. Join me and many other Chicagoans that are not just saying they care but SHOWING they care. Let's get to it. This is the most important time in our lives and a great moment to meet so many different people and make friends. This is the only time we can do something. PLEASE, take some time and think about it. The opportunity to take part of something so meaningful shows the true characteristics of humanity. I want a beautiful future for my children hence why I am partaking in this. TURN OFF THE TV AND COME OUT AND JOIN US! Check out some of these pictures and the video at the bottom is a must see! Shout out to Luke Rudkowski @ We Are Change New York City. Keep doing your thing!

UPDATE**** - As of 2:20am EST a little over 700 New Yorkers were arrested including children. The police no longer are here to protect us. They are paid of by the banks and now have no say. Viva la revolution!

UPDATE**** - JP MORGAN CHASE donated 4.6 million dollars to the NYPD! Their is huge amounts of corruption talk against the NYPD. NEW  video posted of what happened on the Brooklyn Bridge! 

Thursday, September 29, 2011


       People have absolutely no idea what is happening in NYC, Chicago, Denver, and Los Angeles right now as you read this article. Thousands are protesting the big banks in the U.S. for their unfair control over everything and everyone. While millions of people are struggling and trying to make ends meet, CEO's of these banks are getting the biggest bonuses seen to exist in human history. Fair? In the stock market Gold and Silver are at an all time high. Why? The economy is currently in a recession, slowly headed into what we will see is the worst depression in history. The effect of businesses closing, millions losing jobs and the fact that America is bankrupt, the value of the dollar is going down. Once the dollar crashes (which it will) the depression will start.
       Everyone wants the American Dream but sadly we have just entered a damned American Nightmare. People don't really know because the mainstream media such as FOX, MSNBC, CNN, BBC and many others are controlled by some of the most elite people in the world, the banksters. They are told what they can and can not cover. Occupy Wall Street protests are no where to be seen on the mainstream side but the brutality of the police in NYC is making some noise. Please take a slight break from reading and watch this news clip. Just letting you know, this video gave me the goosebumps and made me a bit angry. Pathetic..

       Alright, now since you have seen what really is going on we can continue. Did you notice how the cops just don't care? Non-violent protesters that are citizens and have a bill of rights to follow are being treated like garbage or you can even say terrorists. Here is another short video. I want you to see that the guy is being peaceful and not doing anything at all to be treated like this. Take a look.

       Land of the free or land of the slaves? America is no longer what is used to be and ever since the banks started to have a say in every little damn thing we the people are now the victims and should be very aware of what is yet to come. The Federal Reserve says that America will be okay because we can just, "print more money." So when the government is broke they get a helping hand but when we are broke they take our homes and leave you on the street with nothing. They simply don't give a f***. Excuse my language. This just really angers me.

      Another very shocking video was recorded this week. BBC was interviewing Alessio Rastani, an independent trader in the stock market. People have been talking about how truthful he was during his interview with BBC. He simply said that, "governments don't rule the world, Goldman Sachs rules the world." I don't think BBC thought that he was going to be this truthful about it as he was and jaws dropped after that comment. He also went on to say of how traders are waiting for another depression because of the huge amounts of money involved. Check this video out. The last minute of this is very freaky. Beware.

       What I am trying to tell you is we the people are headed into a very dark place in life the next few years and maybe more. I am not trying to scare anyone. I am simply opening you up to the truth. People are too focused on what is on MTV tonight and this is why everything is being sneaked in on us behind the scenes. In future articles I will show you proof of the FEMA concentration camps that have been built in the past 10 years. I will talk about the real reason cannabis has been made illegal and alcohol has been made legal. I will tell you why The Patriot Act that was made possible by The Bush Administration is our worst enemy. I will tell you the true statistics of our financials and why our social security is controlled by Queen Elizabeth of England. So many things are yet to be talked about.

       Proof is seen just about everyday in many different parts of the world that things are everywhere slowly crumbling. European countries are slowly one by one going bankrupt with Greece already there and Spain being next in line. The constant war-mongering overseas. We are fighting wars in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Libya, and soon to be Syria, Iran, and Palestine. The United States has just given Israel 50 bunker buster bombs which is rumored that those bombs will be used to start a war with Iran because of ridiculous speculations that Iran might have a nuclear bomb. What says it's okay for the United States to have 5,113 nuclear bombs? What is the point of having so many, and we are worried about a country that can barely maintain it's tiny army? We have over 130 bases around the world for what reason?

      Sadly, we are headed towards the collapse of the dollar. The collapse of civil liberties. Maybe 2012 has a different meaning? Maybe it's just the end of the old world and in with the new world. A new world that includes fascism and martial law. Attached to the end of this article are going to be some videos with a lot of meaning. If you have some time I encourage you to watch them. Remember, knowledge is power. Many people say to me, Dave, I don't want to know about this stuff but if you were sick with a horrible disease and you went to the doctor and they didn't tell you, would you allow that? NO. You have to know. As of right now our economy is just barely hanging in there. Kind of like the game "Jenga". Eventually one of the crucial pieces that holds everything together will be removed and everything will fall to the ground. May God Bless the USA.

                                THE AMERICAN DREAM : THE SAD TRUTH

                        BANNED MUSIC VIDEO : LOWKEY - OBAMA NATION
                                              Listen to the words closely.

                      ANOTHER BANNED MUSIC VIDEO : OBAMA NATION Part 2
                                              Music starts at about 45 seconds

*******NOTICE how eerily serious he is at the end of this music video talking about the military drones being sent out after certain people. WHAT kind of message is he trying to deliver?********

The truth about FLUORIDE

       Have you ever wondered why some of today's dental commercials or on certain dental products it says, " 8 out of 10 dentists recommend "? Why didn't the two other dentists agree? Honestly, because they have done their homework. Ever wonder why it says to contact the Poison Control Center if you accidentally swallow the toothpaste? I am about to tell you a true, unfortunate, and nasty government plan. So get ready...

       First of all let's have a slight talk about what fluoride actually is. It is a highly acidic, by-product of aluminum. It is usually found in the huge chimneys of factories found all over the U.S. (starting in the mid 1940's) and many other parts of the world. I will have to mention that their are two kinds of fluoride. The other one is calcium fluoride which is the fluoride that is good for you and found naturally in tap water. The down side is that the U.S. uses the sodium fluoride that is the by-product of aluminum. Okay enough of the scientific mumbo. Let's get down to business.

      The history of where the first use of sodium fluoride took place was in Nazi Germany in World War II. Yeah, you read that correctly. Would you like to know why? I will get to that in the next part! Continuing the history, Adolf Hitler the dictator and hater thought that to have control of the world you need to control the people. What better way to control people easier using the number one thing you need most in life. Water. When these factories had built up the amount of the sodium fluoride they have from the aluminum they would just get dumped into rivers, lakes and ponds for many years up until one year when farmers around those bodies of water were furious when their farm animals started getting very sick. Mentally and physically. Investigations of the carcasses of cows were examined and showed huge amounts of sodium fluoride in the water they drank. It basically makes your mind docile while building up as a toxin in the body.

      In the 50's it was banned to dump fluoride into open bodies of water. Properly disposing of the fluoride is very expensive. The factories then later decided to try an put it in drinking water, at a controlled pace. The CDC went public with the news stating that their is great news of greatly reducing the amount of tooth decay people will encounter through life. Well up until now their has been a new city every day adding sodium fluoride to their drinking water.

      Let's talk about what sodium fluoride does in the body. The National Toxicology Program in Canada has proven that it can cause genetic mutation of cells. It is also known that this mutation in cells over time causes cancer according to Dr. Dean Burke at the U.S. National Cancer Institute. Not only is it the cause of many cancers but many other conditions as well. Osteoporosis, heart disease, poor circulation of the blood, depression, random mental confusion, weight gain, arthritis, gastro-intestinal problems, hyper-thyroid ism, kidney problems, reproductive system problems in females, and weakens the immune system. If a woman is pregnant with a baby it is CRUCIAL in those nine months to not drink fluoridated water because of the damage it does to the fetus' brain in the most important development stages in life. If the pregnant woman does intake fluoride, the child has a higher chance of having a low iQ. No one should be a victim of this.

      Some other really disappointing things about this chemical is that it is highly corrosive. It will melt through a persons hand and even through concrete. Also, did you know that the main ingredient in most cock-roach and rat poisons is sodium fluoride? Nice, huh? If you really think about it you will start to understand why cancer has tripled in the past 50 years. 40 million people in the U.S. suffer from arthritis today. 10% of the 62 million children in the U.S. have a learning disability. That's about 6.2 million schoolchildren. So please be aware now and spread the word about this sad fact that looms in our societies. Affecting every single one of us. Stay away from fluoride. Also, remember not to just believe everything you are told so do your own research. It will be a shock to you when you actually take a little bit of time and check something out in depth. If you care about your loved ones you should tell them about this stunning fact that can put many more years to everyone's lives. History is behind everything and if you don't know history, you wont know today.

          This is a great little film about what I briefly went over. Goes into it a little more. Enjoy!

                    And here a real life incident that happened not too long ago..

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Chicago Tax Hike and LSD Tollway

       Not only has the state of Illinois passed a bill to increase toll pricing by a disgusting 87% this past summer, they are thinking about adding a TOLLWAY to Chicago's well known Lake Shore Drive. At first I laughed about it because of how the government looks at people. They treat us like a bunch of cows. They just want to milk us dry. Not only are they thinking about doing that, they have many other plans.

      Chicago inspector General Joseph Ferguson came up with the idea's for our city along with putting a city income tax into place. To accompany this, laying off 100's of workers in the process to cut overhead. Rahm Emmanuel seems to like the idea. He also likes the idea of increasing ambulance fees. Yes, if you are dying and in need to get to a hospital, they are going to charge you more. The increase amount is not yet known but the idea's are on paper. While un-employment is still on an up-hill trend and food stamps are now given out to 48 million people in the U.S., we can really see how corrupt even a city government can be. Chicago is known to be one of the most corrupt cities in the U.S.
     We Chicagoan's, already have to pay the highest sales tax in the country. We are also number 6 in tollways soon possibly to climb up if they implement it on Lake Shore Drive. Is this fair? You decide. I am just wondering what will they think of next?

Facebook and Privacy .... now it's even WORSE.

       Ever since writing has interested me I always looked deeper into things especially when it came to well known companies or people. In the spot light today, is Facebook. I actually read Facebooks privacy policy which well, really isn't showing that their is much privacy on the site. They log everything you write, post, or upload in a national database. Even after you delete it they still have it stored. But what I came across earlier this week really got to me.

       Everyone knows that social media empire Facebook is undergoing some changes currently. What people don't know is that now Facebook has the power to see what websites you are visiting even when you are logged out of the most popular social networking site. Yes. Big Brother is spying on your activity online. Nik Cubrilovic, an Australian entrepreneur and writer, discovered this disgusting act. Seems like with every little change Facebook makes, their is another weakening in the privacy. Facebook, indefinitely, has become infamous for simply changing its site setup very frequently, including privacy settings, and leaving it up to users to figure out how to contain their already stored information. Why else do you think Facebook is free? Watch this video. You will see who is behind Facebook for real and then everything will make sense. Let me know what you think! I think it's scary. Watch what you post!

Reverse Shop Lifting....I think GENIUS!

       Now I know what you must be thinking. Reverse shop lifting? What is it? Is it illegal? Well, shop lifting is when you take something that is inside of the store. Simply taking it. The reverse of it is when you bring in something into the store and leave it there. Mark Dice is not only an author he is simply a thinker. Take a look. Leave a comment about what you think.

P.S. 9/11 was an inside job and if you disagree you are brainwashed. TRY me.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

We The People.........or not.

           Ever since September 11, 2001 we all experienced not only one of the worst things to have ever happened on American soil but it also accompanied a huge amount of modification to our life styles. Most of us may not even know or notice these changes but they have been implemented. One way most people can look at how our lives have changed is the recession of 2008. Real estate has basically collapsed, taxes are only going up, college tuition is increasing every year at about 5%, medicare is super expensive and non efficient, and the winner : JOBS. 

         The reason for our job problems is because our government loves to tax small companies up the wazoo and because everything is so damn expensive now small businesses have smaller overhead to pay out to their employees. Last year, Obama asked Congress to pass a bill that would allow the use of 1,000,000,000,000 dollars. Not million, not billion, but TRILLION. It was said that this money would help create jobs. One year later and not only is their a decrease in jobs, America's credit rating goes from AAA to AA+. On top of this the U.S. has achieved almost 48 million people to represent poverty in our country. So if you think the government is doing a great job than you must be lost or completely oblivious to, well, just about everything that has been going on for years now. Years and years of un-controlled spending resulting in almost 15 trillion dollars. Yeah, that's the figure the government made up. The real number is somewhere in the 60 trillions. All because of the broken promises of the one and only. 

        Obama has an approval rating that is the lowest rating ever recorded for a president. Even better is the democratic Congress that has an even lower rating than Obama. The fact that our tax money is being used to wipe their asses is beyond spitting on the American flag. What our government is doing is fascist. People either don't know, don't care, or don't care to know. And this is the sad thing. People are too focused on what's on MTV tonight, what they spent $250 dollars on today, or what concert they are going to tomorrow. The media has us hypnotized. Brainwashed. Blocked out from the truth and what is going on behind the scenes. These days people don't even know the first three words in our Constitution. No wonder the U.S. is currently taking the 33rd spot in iQ levels, 25th country in the world for smarts, and 1st in debt owed. Let's face it, the government did a great job, huh?

        I personally can't stand people that have no idea of what is going on today. You can ask 10 people what happened in Japan this year and no one will know. You can ask 10 people who our vice president is and no one would know. You can ask 10 people who Snooki is and unfortunately EVERYONE would know. Most people laugh about it but do you know what this is doing to your own life? People don't seem to understand that if you don't know history you are bound to repeat it. 

      The reason for this post is that I hope to open up ALL people to the reality of our lives. We are fighting so many wars, going through a recession that will soon be a depression, paying on average $23,000 for tuition every year, witnessing the vanishing middle class in front of our eyes and then I ask you, what is next? Is our beautiful America gone for good or is it gone forever. Will we survive this? Will our children survive this? Are you proud to be an American? Good question. I was proud. Very proud. Now I can't even say something with out being scared that the government will send armed forces to my home and arrest me. Please, open up your eyes, minds, and hearts. We are at the brink of a collapse. A very new, odd, and horrible future awaits us ONLY if we don't act. 

        If you are a real American you will rise up. You will show not only yourself that you have the love and power to do something but that you can spread that love and power to everyone. What's a guitar with one string? What is a car with 1 wheel? What is a cup of water for 100 thirsty men? Who am I to tell you what to do though right? You have a point. I am nothing but together we can be something.